I just spotted the name of Teri Hatcher (recently memorable in "Spy Kids") on the cover of this actioner. That sounds all the more interesting when you hear that one of the producer is Joel Silver, famous Hollywood player behind "Matrix." But the result is just exactly what reminded me of its made-for-TV origin -- no imagination, no originality -- despite the decent acting from Ms. Hatcher.It starts very promising. Teri Hatcher's character Jane Doe is desperately trying to follow the orders given over phone, to retrieve her kidnapped boy Michael. The film plunges into thriller ala the third "Die Hard" flick, and Jane is ready to break the law if she had to. And she does, but it's too late to know that the kidnapping story is just the beginning of a long day.It sounds good at first, but very soon the whole thing stops being interesting, with too many plot twists which you might find in "Swordfish" (yes, another Joel Silver production). But "Jane Doe" is clearly meant to outdo the labyrinthine plotting of John Travolta's villan, for there is some DIA (not DEA), there is Rob Lowe appearing and vanishing, there is conspiracy theory (and more than one) and so on and on. Frankly, I stopped to care in the middle of the story, being too confused.As to its actions, don't expect much. As I said before, it's made for TV flick, and you know that soon enough, watching not-so-exciting car-crash or gun-shooting. At least, actioners like "Fair Game" had much explosions; here almost none. And about its corny dialogues, I have nothing to say except that the director is the writer of "Iron Eagle" series made in the 90s.It is good to see Rob Lowe and Teri Hatcher still handsome and beautiful. That makes me feel inevitably that they deserve much better than this average action flick.